
Research for People in Organizations

Pioneering psychological research, prioritizing the human element in organizational practices — Free of charge for authors and readers

Journal setup in progress!

This is a new journal, which is currently in the setup phase. Therefore, submissions cannot be accepted at this point. Please come back soon to check on the status of the journal.

We are an open-access, peer-reviewed journal for studies on the promotion and advancement of individuals, teams, and organizations. We aim to provide a platform for both qualitative and quantitative work that helps empowering individuals to flourish in their work environments. With a strong focus on evidence-based research, our journal endeavors to tackle the myriad challenges and prospects encountered by individuals in today's dynamic workplaces. Thus, the journal is committed to publish research that explicitly aligns with the United Nations' sustainable development goal of promoting "decent work and economic growth" (SDG 8) and employs open science principles wherever possible.