Article Types

We welcome both theoretical and empirical contributions from scholars, practitioners, and researchers who are passionate about exploring the intersection of people and organizations. We encourage authors to join the journey to cultivate people-oriented practices in organizations and in advancing knowledge and understanding of organizational well-being and development.

Original Research Papers

These submissions present new and original findings from empirical field studies or experiments, either deductive based on theory-driven hypotheses or inductive using qualitative approaches. Original research papers contribute to the existing body of knowledge in the field and are based on primary data collection or analysis. The article length should be between 5,000 and 8,000 words.

Empirical Reports

Empirical reports are brief research articles that are primarily data-driven and involve the collection and analysis of new data. These studies use various research methods (e.g., surveys, experiments, case studies) to investigate specific research questions or hypotheses. Unlike original research papers, empirical reports are more narrowly focused and may include replication parts of previous works. Additionally, they may investigate research questions where the underlying theory is not yet fully developed. The article length should be between 2,000 and 4,000 words.


Review articles provide comprehensive summaries and critical evaluations of existing literature on a specific topic. They help researchers and practitioners to understand the current state of knowledge, identify gaps, and highlight areas for further investigation. The article length should be between 5,000 and 8,000 words.

Theoretical Contributions

These submissions focus on advancing theoretical frameworks, conceptual models, or new perspectives on topics related to the journal's scope. These contributions are valuable for providing novel insights and guiding future research. The article length should be between 5,000 and 8,000 words.

Point-Counterpoint Discussions

This type of submission offers a dynamic and intellectually stimulating platform for presenting divergent perspectives on a specific topic within the journal’s scope. This unique format allows for the simultaneous publication of two papers, each presenting different opinions, viewpoints, or contrasting research findings on the same subject. The article length should be between 5,000 and 8,000 words.

Case Analyses

Case analyses are in-depth examinations of specific real-life situations, organizations, or events. They involve detailed and comprehensive investigations of a particular case to understand its context, complexities, challenges, and outcomes. Multiple forms of data can be used, including interviews, observations, documents, and historical records, to gain a deeper understanding of the case with the intention of drawing broader implications or lessons that can be applied to similar situations. The article length should be between 2,000 and 5,000 words.

Emerging Scholars' Showcase

This submission type is designed to celebrate the work of talented students and emerging early career researchers. A faculty advisor or mentor's endorsement letter, outlining the student's contributions and validating the quality of the research, should accompany each submission. The article length should be between 2,000 and 5,000 words.